11th Iwasawa Conference (virtual International Conference) was organized as follows. (See PDF program) "International Conference on State-of-the Art Catalysis and Surface/Interface Science for Sustainable Societyー11th Iwasawa Conference" March 11, 2022. Online Conference(9:00ー18:00 JST, 0.00ー9:00 GMT) (Cooperation: The Chemical Society of Japan, Catalysis Society of Japan, The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science, The Japanese Society of Synchrotron Radiation Research, The Japan Petroleum Institute)
Dr. Miwa and Dr. Yoshida arrived at specially appointed associate professor.
“The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon” Award 2019 from the Emperor and Prime Minister, Commemorative Lectures and Party at Sanjo Conference Hall, UT and at Lever son Verre Hongo, Nov. 24, 2019.
Prof. Iwasawa was awarded with “The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon” from the Emperor and Prime Minister in May 21, 2019.
PCCP Prize Winners and Award Ceremony at the 99th CSJ Meeting on March 18, 2019.
Prof. Yasuhiro Iwasawa became President of Japan Union of Chemical Science and Technology (JUCST).
RSC PCCP Blog; PCCP Prize Winners and Award Ceremony at the 98th CSJ Meeting on March 24, 2018.
Interntional Symposium as UEC 100th Anniversary Commemorative Event was organized by UEC on Oct. 28 - 30, 2017. Members of our group won the RSC prizes.
"XAFS Techniques for Catalysts, Nanomaterials, and Surfaces" (Y. Iwasawa, K. Asakura and M. Tada eds) has now been published from Springer, New York. (November, 2016)
Interntional Symposium as UEC 100th Anniversary Commemorative Event will be organized by UEC (honorary chair: T. Fukuda (President), Chair: Y. Iwasawa (Professor)).
10 selected students from 6 Asian Universities which are a part of the Sakura Science Program (JST) came to visit Innovation Research Center for Fuel Cells (Professor Iwasawa) in the University of Electro-Communications, including a guided tour of BL36XU beamline of UEC and NEDO in SPring-8 on 4th and 5th Oct. 2016.
We will organize "Forefront Symposium on In situ/Operando, Time-resolved and Spatially-resolved (Imaging) Analysis for Fuel Cell Catalysts" to commemorate 3 year anniversary of SPting-8 BL36XU beamline construction on August 2, 2016 at Okazaki Conference Center.
Prof.Iwasawa was awarded from The Surface Science Society of Japan (SSSJ), May 21, 2016.
Prof.Iwasawa was awarded The Foundation Lectureship Award 2015 in Physical Chemistry from Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (FACS), March 16-17, 2016.
New web journal "Accounts of Materials & Surface Research" (Chairperson: Prof. Iwasawa) has been established.
Yasuhiro Iwasawa is selected as a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), UK.
Prof. Yasuhiro Iwasawa delivered the IEICE (The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineerings) Sponsored Lecture at Multi Media University (MMU) in Malaysia on 14th Dec. 2015.
Prof.Iwasawa was awarded The Foundation Lectureship Award 2015 in Physical Chemistry from Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (FACS)
Lists of publications in 2013 - 2014 have been updated.
Press release about the result of the study on nano-XAFS-STEM/EDS measurement.[PDF:1.64MB, Japanese]
Fuel cells in the spotlight, featured in UEC e-Bulletin (Vol. 5, 2015).
Fuel cell seminar by Prof. Y. Iwasawa for visiting students from ASEAN universities under JST Sakura Science Plan program, Nov. 17, 2014
Press Release for Mapping Pt Chemical Species in Fuel Cells by nano-XAFS.[858kB]
Department’s second year Masters student, Hikaru Hotta, is awarded for his poster at 4th CSJ Chemistry Festa (Tower hall Funabori, 10/14~16)
Visit of 30 students at Australian Universities to Innovation Research Center for Fuel Cells (Iwasawa lab) at UEC, June 18, 2014.
Visit of students at Multimedia Univ., Malaysia to Innovation Research Center for Fuel Cells(Iwasawa lab) at UEC and our new beamline BL36XU@SPring-8; Photo at the President Office, May 21, 2014.
The link to the interview article with Yasuhiro Iwasawa (the director of Innovation research center for fuel cells) in SPring-8 "Hikari-no-hiroba" is added to the banner menu on top page. The article was previously posted in June 2012.

The 5th Iwasawa conference "The most advanced catalytic chemistry/Surface science for sustainable society" was held on October 22, 2013.
The 16th International Symposium on Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (ISHHC-16) that Yasuhiro Iwasawa (the director of Innovation research center for fuel cells) served as a honorary organization committee chairperson was successfully held with the participation of 30 countries/503 participants.
The 16th International Symposium on Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (ISHHC-16) will be held at the academic exchange hall, the University of Hokkaido in August 4-9, 2013. (Honorary organization committee chairperson: Yasuhiro Iwasawa, Organization committee chairperson: Jun Fukuoka)
Our center also participated in "2013 the industry-academia-government collaboration day Graduate School Open Laboratory" held on June 5.
Specially appointed professor Yasuhiro Iwasawa (the director of Innovation research center for fuel cells) was awarded the title of honorary member from the Chemical Society of Japan (31,000 members).
Professor Iwasawa became an academic committee member for Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials(Xiamen Univ., Fudan Univ., Univ. of Sci. & Tech. of China) -
Specially appointed professor Yasuhiro Iwasawa (the director of Innovation research center for fuel cells) was awarded the title of Honorary Fellow from the Chemical Society of China (50,000 members as officially announced). Honorary Fellow is deemed as the most prestigious title in the Chemical Society of China and he was awarded the title due to his great contribution to the chemical field study (catalyst science) and the Chinese chemical field.
The world's first and most advanced beamline for fuel cell catalyst XAFS measurement was successfully completed.
Mr. Hikaru Watabe as a second-year trainee at the Iwasawa Laboratory received the Outstanding Poster Award in "Autumn even of the Chemical Society of Japan - 2012 the 2nd CSJ Chemical Festival".
The world's first and most advanced beamline for fuel cell catalyst XAFS measurement was successfully completed.
The 4th Iwasawa Conference The symposium of the most advanced catalytic chemistry/surface science for sustainable society (2012 the Iwasawa Conference) was held on the following date and place.
The 4th Iwasawa Conference "The most advanced catalytic chemistry/surface science for sustainable society" plans to be held.
Professor Yasuhiro Iwasawa (The director of the Innovation Research Center for Fuel Cell) was introduced in "Hikari-no-hiroba" of the section SPring-8.
With the presence of their Majesties the Emperor and Empress, the opening ceremony of the 14th International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists Conference (IACIS2012)( Honorable Chair: Yasuhiro Iwasawa, Chair: Kazue Kurihara) was held at the Sendai International Center on May 13 (Sun).
The 3rd Iwasawa Conference was held at Xiamen University in China.
Professor Yasuhiro Iwasawa received the Achievement Award from the Surface Science Society of Japan in May 2011. He was awarded because of his great contribution to support the society to be an incorporated association. He had also previously received the Surface Science Society of Japan Award in 2000.
The joint statement of the 34 domestic leading academic societies (440,000 members) mainly proposed by the Chemical Society of Japan (the president Yasuhiro Iwasawa) was released to support affected students/young researchers by the Great East Japan Earthquake. (Proposal 1-3) April 27 (Wed), 2011
The report of JSPS-DST Asian Academic Seminar (the Asian Academic Seminar co-hosted by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, the ministry of Science & Technology of India, the University of Electro-Communications, and Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics with Professor Iwasawa as the organization committee chairperson was held on November 20-December 4, 2010 )
The joint statement of the presidents from the 30 academic societies (See attachment) mainly proposed by Professor Iwasawa (the president of the Chemical Society of Japan) was released on November 19, 2010. (The joint statement was submitted to the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
The interview article of Yasuhiro Iwasawa (the president of the Chemical Society of Japan) was published in the Royal Society of Chemistry News.
The presidents urgent statement from the 29 academic societies, prepared by Professor Iwasawa (the president of the Chemical Society of Japan) as a central figure, was released to and received by the Cabinet Office and top officials of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
The Japan-UK Symposium on Catalysis for a Sustainable World co-hosted by the Chemical Society of Japan and Royal Society of Chemistry was held at the Chemistry Center in London on July 30, 2010. The cooperative agreement between two academic societies was concluded and signed, then exchanged the agreement with one pound coins.
The Innovation Research Center for Fuel Cell (the director: Yasuhiro Iwasawa) has been established at the University of Electro-Communications.
The NEDO fuel cell catalyst XAFS project has just started!
We are now recruiting a specially appointed associate professor for SPring-8 at the University of Electro-Communications. (Please refer to PDF for details)
With the initiation of fuel cell innovation research, the homepage of Innovation Research Center for Fuel Cells has been established.
